Allergy Testing
Pet Allergy Treatment in Dallas, PA
Scratch, scratch, scratch…all day…every day — driving you and your poor itchy pet crazy.
It is not uncommon for severely itchy pets to cause self-trauma by all that licking, biting and scratching, resulting in open wounds and skin infections that require antibiotic therapy. Unfortunately, allergies can be controlled but not cured. Finding the root cause of the itching will help us, at Back Mountain Veterinary Hospital in Dallas, PA, create a management program best suited to the needs of your pet to reduce or eliminate their distress and yours. So just what causes all this itchiness and what can be done to give our pets relief?
External Parasites (The Creepy Crawlies)
Allergy testing is the only definitive way to determine exactly what a pet is sensitive to and gives a viable option for relief through desensitization vaccines, just like they have for people. Intradermal skin testing can be done through referral to a veterinary dermatologist. Blood testing for allergies can be done here by your primary veterinarian. The blood is centrifuged and the serum is sent in to an allergy lab for testing against 48 of the most common indoor and outdoor allergens. The results may take 10 to 14 days, but the full listing of your pet’s hypersensitivities will be reported, along with whether or not the sensitivity is severe enough to warrant inclusion of the allergen in the desensitization vaccine.
The vaccine is administered at home by you (after demonstration and practice with a member of our veterinary staff until you are comfortable). The initial vaccine is given on a steadily decreasing schedule until the optimal comfort range is reached for your pet. The maintenance vaccine is then administered approximately once every 3 to 4 weeks to your pet at that optimal level of desensitization.
If you believe your pet is suffering from allergies, don’t wait another sleepless night. Give us a call to schedule a physical exam and allergy consultation today. We can get you on the right track to having a pet that’s happy and comfortable in his own skin.