Amy Ide came onboard in September os 2019 as a part-time Veterinary Assistant/Patient Care Coordinator. As Amy learned the ropes, she quickly found that she has a real knack for being a Patient Care Coordinator. She relates well with the clients and thoroughly enjoys seeing all the pets everyday. As a licensed Cosmetologist, she used to balance her time between those skills and veterinary medicine. Nowadays, she has worked her way up to full-time as she balances work-life with mom-life. The staff love when her cutie-pie son, Braxton comes to visit us. As much as she likes being at the front desk, Amy loves learning new things, so she enjoys the days she gets to help out as a Veterinary Assistant. It’s even got her considering taking Tech classes somewhere down the line, perhaps once Braxton starts school.
In her free time, Amy enjoys making art and playing with Braxton, but as every toddler mom can relate to, her favorite hobby is napping!